CBP General Certification

General CBP Certification involves attending 7 Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) technique seminars to learn the fundamentals of CBP and successfully passing a test to demonstrate mastery of the methods. The 7 courses are post-graduate courses and cover approximately 90 hours of credits that are approved across a spectrum of continuing education categories.


  1. Basics of CBP: Radiographic & Postural Protocols
  2. Mirror Image Drop Table Adjusting: Leg Length Inequality & Orthotics
  3. Mirror Image Instrument Adjusting & Upper Cervical Analysis
  4. Structural Rehabilitation of the Cervical Spine
  5. Structural Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine
  6. Structural Rehabilitation of the Thoracic Spine & Case Management
  7. CBP® Hands on Workshop

NOTE: General Certification Requirements require any seminar(s) listed below that were completed prior to 2012 must be retaken to satisfy seminar requirements.

  • Module 4. Cervical Rehab
  • Module 5. Lumbar Rehab
  • Module 6. Thoracic Rehab
  • Module 7. Hands on Workshop


Once the above 7 certification seminar requirements are met, the Chiropractor will be required to sit and pass a test of CBP theoretical and practical application. The test consists of written questions, X-Ray analysis, postural analysis, and clinical intervention.

  1. Sit for an informal test consisting of 45 multiple choice questions and analyze/measure an X-Ray line drawing view.
  2. Perform a series of ‘mock’ Mirror Image adjustments using a handheld instrument and/or the drop table.

NOTE: General Certification Tests will only be offered at specific technique seminars. The Chiropractor must call in advance to register for the test at (208) 939-0301.


  • General CBP Certified Chiropractors will have a priority listing category on the CBP Doctors Directory.
  • General CBP Certified Chiropractors receive a reduced rate of $449.00 seminar registration fee. The reduced rate does not apply to the CBP Annual Conference, Basic Certification Series and Advanced Certification Series.
  • General CBP Certified Chiropractors will receive access to the CBP Trained or Certified Seal Logos for use on their websites. 
    • Note: There are specific terms of use for the logos. Email CBP Seminars for more information.

NOTE: The General CBP Certified Chiropractor must attend a CBP Run Seminar 1 (one) time every 2 (two) years in order to maintain their certification standing.  Failure to keep current with CBP® Certification requirements will result in a temporary revocation of your certification status. After 5-years of no seminar attendance, your certification will be revoked. You will need to repeat the certification series or the exam with a passing rate to reinstate your certification.

Basic Certification Status of a Chiropractor is not equivalent to CBP® Instructor Status and gives the individual Chiropractor-Person no rights and privileges to CBP® technique copyright protected materials or methods or names.